IRS Requires Electronic FBAR Filings Beginning July 1, 2013

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service has announced that its form for reporting foreign bank and financial accounts will only be accepted for electronic filing beginning Monday.  The so-called “FBAR” – which stands for “Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts” — requires anyone who is subject to U.S. taxes to report any interests in financial accounts, trusts, etc. overseas.  Here’s a link to the IRS page on FBAR: IRS’ FBAR FAQs I know I sound like a broken record, but I continue to be astonished at the number of inbound EB-5 investors I meet, especially those from the Pacific Rim, who have given absolutely no thought whatsoever to pre-immigration tax planning.  Once you land at the airport and get stamped as a U.S. conditional resident, you ARE subject to worldwide taxation!  Ne…

Top 10 Places to Live

If you are considering becoming an investment immigrant, you may have already began to think about where you might want to live. The U.S. is a very large and diverse place that can accommodate a variety of lifestyle needs, as well as give you and your family a comfortable and exciting place to call home. Today, on our blog we are going to shift our focus from investment immigration itself and talk about what happens after; where you should live and which cities most immigrants have found most comfortable for their transition to the U.S. Austin, Texas If you speak to any younger American, you will probably hear an overflowing positive review of Austin. Austin offers those who live their much, making it easy to integrate into their population of around 150,000 people, easy. The Hispanic comm…

5 Ways to Create Jobs in the US – Part 2

Jobs are the heartbeat of the American economy, and continuing to create viable jobs is a way to continue to grow the American economy and set ourselves and those who come after us up for success and prosperity. In our last blog, we began discussing a few ways that jobs can be created in the U.S. In Part 1 First, we began discussing the the importance of inviting foreign investors to invest in the U.S. economy. EB-5 investors programs give foreign investors incentives to invest their wealth in the U.S. economy by offering a means for permanent residency. The investor program that American Venture Solutions EB-5 offers requires that our investors create and maintain 10 jobs offered by our investment programs. We also discussed the importance of students finding viable education options afte…

5 Ways to Create Jobs in the US

Though some claim to be seeing the light with the unemployment rate of the United States, there is always still work to be done. To continue to stimulate the economy, more jobs must be created. To have better products and more innovation, there must be competition or at least the opportunity to implement new ideas. Jobs are the heartbeat of the economy and the center of the American dream. Today, we are going to discuss how we can create more jobs for the success of the individual and the country at large. EB-5 Investors EB-5 Investors are one of the ways to stimulate the economy, continue to create viable jobs, and give non-Americans the chance to become citizens of the United States. Immigrant investors stimulate the economy by investing in projects that create and sustain jobs. American…

Congressional Heat on Kushner and Big EB-5

On June 1st, 2017, Senator Patrick Leahy and Representatives Zoe Lofgren and John Conyers, Jr. wrote a joint letter to Laurent Morali, the president of Kushner Companies, indicating in the opening that they: “…are concerned about recent reports detailing Kushner Companies’ use of the EB-5 Regional Center program, especially in light of Jared Kushner’s role in the Trump administration and the potential for conflicts of interest. These reports indicate that Kushner Companies and its latest EB-5 project, “One Journal Square,” may be seeking to benefit from the Kushner family’s connections to the White House. These reports also suggest that luxury developers have aggressively lobbied Congress to prevent reforms to the EB-5 program. Such lobbying appears intended to benefit luxury developme…

Advantages of EB-5 Investment Immigration

Investment immigration through the EB-5 programs is a fairly recent opportunity provided to those who wish to become permanent residents and citizens of the US. EB-5 is considered a “win-win” for both the investor wishing for residency and for the US: Investment immigration provides the investor with the opportunity to not only grow their investment, but to gain positive opportunities for not only them, but also their family in the US. At the same time, the US economy is stimulated and permanent jobs are created. But why choose EB-5 investment immigration? Below are just some of the reasons why investment immigration is a profitable opportunity for you: No Need for Business Experience For many other types of investment opportunities that can give you as big of a return on your investme…

The New “Fiduciary Rule” and What it Means for the EB-5 Industry

After months of uncertainty, and expectation that President Trump might kill the regulation, the so-called “Fiduciary Rule” is now scheduled to go into effect June 9.  The idea behind the fiduciary rule is to create a requirement that requirement that investment and financial advisers to act only in the ­best interests of their clients. In other words, it will require the professionally trained and government regulated advisers to put THEIR financial interest secondary, after that of their client. When I first heard about this several years ago, I thought it was a joke: you mean to tell me that despite all the SEC regulations, there isn’t a rule that basically says “you can’t put the amount of your commission ahead of the interest of your CLIENT??”  To me it was a stunni…

New York Bar: Foreign Migration Brokers CANNOT Be Paid EB-5 Referral Fees

After railing for the last few years about how Big EB-5 cheats via census tract “gerrymandering” in order to falsely qualify as a TEA, this has been a pretty great month for us here at AVSEB-5 and for the handful of TRUE TEA and rural projects having to compete against six page color spreads in glossy magazines: First, IIUSA and Congressional leaders agree on  EB-5 reform legislation which puts an end to the gerrymandering abuse.  That means that, for the first time in the history of EB-5, the congressional mandate of the law – to create jobs in the poorest and most rural parts of America, will be realized.  As I’ve said for the last six years since AVS was approved as a Regional Center, I have NO issues with competing against the slick boys in the big cities… AS LONG AS the price of …

What to Look for in an EB-5 Lawyer

Do you want to become a permanent resident of the United States? Are you wanting to provide opportunities to your children in America that you never had? The EB-5 Investor Program is a viable option for you and your family to gain permanent residency in the U.S. What this program does is give foreign investors who want to gain permanent residency in the US that opportunity by essentially giving back to America through the stimulation of the economy through job creation. If you are able to create or preserve, at the very least, 10 permanent full-time jobs, you, your spouse, and your children under 21 are able to gain permanent citizenship. When you are applying for an EB-5, it is absolutely crucial that you find an EB-5 lawyer who will provide you the greatest opportunity to successfully ga…

What is the EB-5 Visa?

Welcome back to the American Venture Solutions EB-5 Blog! If you are just joining us, in our last post, we talked about the importance of choosing the right EB-5 lawyer and what characteristics the right EB-5 lawyer will have. The characteristics that we discussed include: Knowledge of Business & Immigration – Hiring an EB-5 lawyer who specializes in the integration of business and immigration for the success of being approved for EB-5 status is crucial. Experience Preparing EB-5 Visas – Knowledge is valuable, but knowledge that has been put to the test through experience is even more valuable. When looking for an EB-5 lawyer, find one who meets with clients and fills out paperwork for the EB-5 process on a regular basis. Direct Investments vs. Regional Center – Before hiring an EB-5 l…