Update on Our ‘Rock Solid’ EB-5 Projects Now that we know that the future of EB-5 will be determined in the next few months, we wanted to provide you with a brief update about our EB-5 projects and remind you of the AVS EB-5 commitment to protecting our EB-5 investors. As you know, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program has been facing a great deal of uncertainty and turmoil, but despite the chaos, our EB-5 projects have remained successful and rock solid! Earlier this week our General Manager, Bianca, and Compliance Counsel, Laura, visited Lake Point Restoration, the home of both our EB-5 projects, Lake Point and Lake Point Logistics, and got an update from the Operations Manager. As you may know, Lake Point Restoration is a lime stone quarry located in a very rural and economically depressed area of South Florida, Can… Continue Reading →
EB-5: A Study in “Moral Hazard” If you took an economics course in college, you might vaguely remember the term “moral hazard”. I do, and I remember it precisely because, in contrast to the rest of what the brilliant University of Florida Prof. David Denslow tried to hammer into my dense 18 year old brain, it was a foreign concept in a course focused on metrics and theory. According to Wikipedia: “In economics, a “moral hazard” occurs when one person takes more risks because someone else bears the cost of those risks. A moral hazard may occur where the actions of one party may change to the detriment of another after a financial transaction has taken place. Moral hazard occurs under a type of information asymmetry where the risk-taking party to a transaction knows more about its intentions than the party … Continue Reading →
Location of Lake Point Projects Will Continue to Qualify as TEA Will the location of AVS EB-5 Projects’ continue to qualify as a “Targeted Employment Areas” and be eligible for the minimum threshold for investment based on the proposed regulations? Invest in the USA (IIUSA) released a report on April 20, 2017, evaluating ‘How TEA policy proposals will shape the future landscape of the EB‐5 Regional Center Program. The results are compelling and comprehensive, demonstrating how different approaches would affect stakeholders, projects, geographies, and metropolitan areas throughout the U.S.’ IIUSA’s Executive Summary concluded that: Under the proposed TEA methodology limiting gerrymandering, only 41% of the 589 EB‐5 project samples analyzed at this report will qualify as a TEA project; When considering areas in severe economic distres… Continue Reading →
What It Means to Be a “Conditional Resident” of the United States One of the biggest steps in the process of becoming a United States citizen through the EB-5 visa program is what happens after your interview at the United States consulate. This is when, if your application is approved after your interview, you’ll be able to move to the United States as Conditional Residents. This is an exciting step in the journey because it means you can now begin living in the United States legally. But what does it mean to be a conditional resident? What are the restrictions of this conditional status? And what happens afterward? We have all the answers for our EB-5 investors. What You Can Do As a Conditional Resident of the United States You can live anywhere in the United States. Once EB-5 investors have been granted conditional residency, they can live wherever t… Continue Reading →
The Requirements for Investment Immigration Investment immigration is a safe and legal way to move yourself and your family to the United States. American Venture Solutions offers a number of investment opportunities to foreign nationals who wish to immigrate to the United States. If you are interested in utilizing the EB-5 visa program (the official name of the investment immigration program) in order to move to the United States, it’s important that you know about the requirement of the program to ensure you can meet them before you begin the process. EB-5 Requirements You need to make a capital investment of either $500,000 or $1,000,000. The EB-5 visa requires that you make a minimum investment of $1,000,000 into a commercial enterprise. In some circumstances, the amount required can be reduced to just $500,000. You may qualify … Continue Reading →
What Reforms Are Coming to the EB-5 Program The EB-5 visa program was introduced in 1990. Over the last 30 years, it’s been growing in popularity particularly with Chinese citizens who wish to immigrate to the United States. Only 10,000 of these visas are available every year, and it’s only in recent years that there has been a threat of reaching that cap. Last year, there were 8,500 EB-5 visas issued. However, with a new administration in the White House comes reforms to almost every aspect of immigration, including the EB-5. EB-5 lawyers are getting a lot of questions from their clients. What reforms are coming? Are those reforms going to impact your immigration status? Let’s take a look at what reforms are going to be likely coming to the EB-5 program. Changes That Could Be Coming to EB-5 An evener distribution of investment mone… Continue Reading →
Advantages to Citizenship After EB-5 Program If you’re considering residency in the United States, then you have undoubtedly weighed the options available, including residency or citizenship. As an accomplished EB-5 program, American Venture Solutions is well acquainted with the benefits of citizenship our successful foreign-born clients look forward to. How United States Citizenship Benefits You There are a number of ways that citizenship can work to your benefit. Of course, residency shares many benefits with citizenship, but is based upon specific conditions and typically for a limited time. We’ll try to focus primarily on the benefits of citizenship in contrast to residency, despite the fact the largest benefit of both is the ability to live and work in the country, to varying degrees. Rights Under the Constitution As a citiz… Continue Reading →
Identifying Successful Regional Projects There are plenty of EB-5 regional projects to choose from, nearly 500 in fact. While not all of these are accepting investors at any given time, there are still an incredible amount to choose from when you’re looking to begin your journey as an EB-5 investor. Finding the right regional project means knowing the type of investments that have proven successful or profitable in the past. EB-5 Projects That Have Seen Success EB-5 is a very specific type of investment. As a company that manages EB-5 direct investments, it is important that we are able to successfully channel the funds into a project that meets the permanent residency and citizenship criterias laid out by the USIC. Today, we’ll review why some investment types lend themselves to EB-5 better than others. Real Estate The most … Continue Reading →
Who Are EB-5 Investors? The average American may not know much about EB-5, but is likely to hear about it as the topic comes up for reexamination in the spring of 2017. While critics may point to the alleged potential slippery slope dangers of the program, it is important to note who is actually investing in the United States economy through EB-5. The Real Face of EB-5 There are people from all around the world who dream of citizenship in the United States. For those that have enjoyed success in their country already, we created the EB-5 program to welcome their innovation and direct investment to create an expedited path to citizenship for them. Here is a look at the most prominent countries that contribute to the EB-5 program: China The overwhelming majority of EB-5 application approvals come from China. Whethe… Continue Reading →
The AVS EB-5 Way: One Family at a Time This, my 55th year on earth, after more adventures, time zones, and miles than I can possibly remember, I can sincerely say that today, I truly love my job as the owner of American Venture Solutions Regional Center. I mean I really, really, REALLY love my job. I was 12 when I got my first job, spending my summer standing over on a Xerox machine as big as a 1957 Buick, making mountains of black and white copies at the office where my mother worked. (I was the “auto-feed”, one page at a time). I didn’t love that job, but I loved the paycheck: the minimum wage I was earning was an impressive $2/hour, big bucks for a guy into yoyo’s and skateboards. And since that summer I’ve worked jobs ranging from busboy to bartender to diplomat and everything in between. I remember on… Continue Reading →