
Update on Our ‘Rock Solid’ EB-5 Projects

Now that we know that the future of EB-5 will be determined in the next few months, we wanted to provide you with a brief update about our EB-5 projects and remind you of the AVS EB-5 commitment to protecting our EB-5 investors.

As you know, the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program has been facing a great deal of uncertainty and turmoil, but despite the chaos, our EB-5 projects have remained successful and rock solid!

Earlier this week our General Manager, Bianca, and Compliance Counsel, Laura, visited Lake Point Restoration, the home of both our EB-5 projects, Lake Point and Lake Point Logistics, and got an update from the Operations Manager. As you may know, Lake Point Restoration is a lime stone quarry located in a very rural and economically depressed area of South Florida, Canal Point.

(By the way, did you know that more than 60% of EB-5 projects are NOT located in economically depressed areas? Check out this previous AVS EB-5 blog to find out why this matters!)

Lake Point:

The Lake Point EB-5 mining project is continuing its unwavering record of success. As we may have discussed with you, early last year we confirmed that the project had over-created jobs by 150%. We needed 400 jobs for our 40 investors and the project created 608!

Since that time, the project’s success has continued. Just last month the project installed a new wash plant (pictured above) for the mining operation. Currently, the mine is exporting 400 truckloads of limestone each day and it has sold over 1 million tons of limestone each of the last few years!

Lake Point Logistics:

The Lake Point Logistics EB-5 trucking project had a tremendous year in 2016 and the first quarter of 2017 has been just as successful. To date, there are 15 fully operational trucks (three of which are pictured above) and we expect to add to more trucks to our fleet in the coming months. Currently, the trucks are only servicing the Lake Point mine because of the volume of sales, but the trucks may begin servicing other mines in the near future.

As you can see from the update and the images, the AVS EB-5 projects are literally and figuratively rock solid! We pride ourselves on being the most conservative and compliant Regional Center in the country and we are committed to each and every one of our EB-5 investors.

Should you have any questions or if you’d like more information about our EB-5 projects, please feel free to reach out to us via email at or give us a call at +1-786-866-7828.

Also, if you are interested in seeing some more images and videos of the Lake Point projects, we invite you to visit this link. We hope you will enjoy!