Deciphering Obama’s Views Toward Employer Compliance Barack Obama has not yet been sworn in as President of the United States, but the past two months have revealed a great deal about his attitudes toward federal governance. In fact, the histrionics emerging from the Republican camp during the final weeks before the election have made his pragmatic choices so far rather, well, boring. So those on the left are complaining that he’s doing too little to change the status quo while those on the right remain fearful of what happens when he takes office. The only ones who seem to be winning in the guessing game are the gun dealers, who are selling a LOT of guns.So what can we expect from Mr. Obama as far as corporate enforcement, compliance, prosecution of labor violations, etc? Well, he hasn’t said exactly, but here is the complete, verba… Continue Reading →
So many immigrants, so little peace I am looking at the taillights of 2008 and staring at the oncoming headlights of 2009 and as I read the dozens of daily articles on the Web, I am sad to see that we are more or less in the same place we were a year ago. The world's migratory patterns are as old as man, and yet no intelligent solutions have been devised by a species which can send a man to the moon and figure out how to get toothpaste into a tube. Every day, the Miami Herald produces example after another of the unjust application of federal laws, separation of families, and other sad tales…all so uncharacteristic of what America stands for, at least to me.As usual, I am ending the year a bit more pensive than most, and undoubtedly a bit sadder than most, when I ask myself what I ask myself every year: wh… Continue Reading →
Illegal Immigrants Flow Home from U.S. Today's Miami Herald front page story is about the economy and how illegal aliens are heading home. It is Sunday and I don't have much to say today except this:Immigrant labor, legal or illegal, is like any other commodity and affected by supply and demand. The unskilled workers who are the bedrock of much of a healthy U.S. economy by filling the jobs Americans don't want cross the border illegally to make a buck because they have no way to legally work here despite the demand for their services; when their labor is no longer needed, they go home.Instead of demonizing these workers, why not establish visa categories which permit them to work legally when the economy has recovered and our hospitality, manufacturing, and construction sectors again need them? … Continue Reading →
Cheryl Little Gets Well-Deserved Award Every since I started private practice in 1990, Cheryl Little has represented everything that is right with the immigration bar. In 1996, she founded the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center and for the past 12 years her tireless work on behalf of refugees, immigrant children, and others who could not afford private representation has made her a star in our very diverse community.Last week, Ms. Little recieved the prestigious 2008 Morris Dees Justice Award, which is given annually to an attorney "who has devoted his or her career to the the public service and pursuing justice." In receiving the honor, she displayed the same humility which has always made her such a successful leader. Quoted in the Miami Herald, she said:"…it's the FIAC staff that genera… Continue Reading →
Modest Proposal #2: How to Help the Auto Industry AND Consumers This one is simple, though the relevance to immigration is, uh, vague:-The government is giving the auto industry $25 billion dollars-There are about 200 million drivers in the U.S.-That breaks down to $125 per driver-Let's hypothesize that a driver buys a new car every 5 years and forget that many drivers do not own cars-Multiply $125 by 5 = $625Instead of giving the cash to a failing industry, lets offer $625 vouchers available on a first come first serve basis, with a six month expiration, only valid for U.S. manufactured vehicles. The consumer cuts his/her best deal without divulging the voucher and when they are ready to sign, the voucher goes to the dealer.This not only gets the money in the hands of the consumers, it stimulates demand AND allows free market dynamics, i.e.… Continue Reading →
On the Price of Intolerance [originally written in 1999] [Dear Readers: my business partner Jaime Kuklinski sent me a very painful powerpoint reminding us about the horrors of the Holocaust; having just visited the Holocaust Museum in D.C. several weeks ago, the topic is fresh on my mind during this time of great change in our country. I am republishing this in Immigration Insider for those of you who might be interested in reading it. Jose]MAUTHAUSEN, AUSTRIA- The snow is blasting on the windshield as Leahpulls the rented VW Passat out of Mauthausen, onto the road which leadsus back to the beautiful village of Enns, with its funky medievalstorefronts. It is 1 p.m. but the car's very cool blue dashlights areaglow, casting a strange hue on our faces. The car is very quiet as wehead eastward, the not-so-blue Danube, broad an… Continue Reading →
The Best of America Tarun, who lives in India, is a good friend of an old fraternity brother of mine. This is an excerpt of what he wrote this the other day. I asked Tarun if I could share this with you and he said “sure”. Here you go…and thanks, Tarun. Jose”This is the America that the worldloves – one that is driven by idealism, inspiration and enterprise. That was theAmerica that won last night. There is another America that the world loves tohate – one that is driven by consumption, greed, arrogance and manipulation. Thefight between the two Americas is not over by any means just that for the momentthe better America has taken an upper hand. For the sake of the world I hopethat the more loved America wins more often…”… Continue Reading →
How Free Trade Reform Can Solve the Problem of Illegal Immigration from Mexico: A Modest Proposal I will begin by stating that as I pleased as I was withmyself for concocting this inspired if long-winded title, I now regret mydecision. The title might be appropriatefor, say, a white paper…but not for whatI have to say today. But I can’t thinkof anything more terse or pithy. So I will continue say what I have to saywithout further apology, and if you made it past the ostentatious title,perhaps you’ll read on. Let’s start with a few fundamental facts with which Ibelieve most of us can agree: 1- Thevarious North American trade agreements of the past two decades have containedspecific language relating to immigration as an integral component of freetrade. 2- Whilethe spirit of thes… Continue Reading →
There IS No Such Thing as a “Latino Voter” If I read one more article analyzing the election results in terms of "Latino Voters"…I'm going to probably finish reading it anyway. That's because as silly as this hyperinterpretation of what this election has meant to the country, it is still pretty cool to read about the numbers of Hispanics who went out and voted.And that's another thing: I don't call myself a "Latino"…to me that is a West Coast word. Cuban Americans more often than not call themselves "Hispanic"…but what does it matter?What DOES matter is that our new government must understand the distinct and contrasting opinions within the Hispanic/Latino communities in the U.S. so that instead of homogenizing a complex group into a tidy demographic bundle, … Continue Reading →
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior I am in Mexico,a little less news-connected than when I’m home, but I’ve read enough in thepast 24 hours to see that those very pundits who were dead wrong over how thiselection would pan out are back at it. The theme this time is “he’s not tested”, and Biden’s honest remarksthat the U.S. WILL be tested if Obama is elected are being used in an effort tostart the divisiveness AGAIN. Here’s the deal, folks: Biden is probably the sharpestforeign policy cookie in a half-backed city, but he is hardly Nostradamus forpredicting this, as evidenced by the Russian’s party pooping response to Tuesday's world changing events. Of COURSE Barack Obama will be tested. The REASON he will be tested is simplybecause the formulaic, rote responses of the Bush A… Continue Reading →