
Several Clarifications Regarding Yesterday’s Post

I have received a number of panicked emails this morning in response to my grumpy about certain EB-5 Regional Centers concealing petition denials.  Please note that it is not possible for me to publicly identify any of these entities.  Not only would it be irresponsible to do so (given that I have not given those centers an opportunity to explain their specific situations to me), but the information has come to me via clients…it is privileged information which I cannot disseminate, no matter how much I'd love to "out" dishonest marketers, I cannot name names.

However, I CAN tell you who I was NOT referring to: because of my long-established respect for CMB Regional Center, several writers have inquired as to whether that Regional Center is among those to which I referred yesterday.  I am happy to report that I have never received any negative information from anyone regarding CMB and that the sterling reputation of my friends in Moline remains untarnished.

Folks, this isn't rocket science: basic due dilgence will get you the answers you need!  Try Google! (-;