
SIGN UP OPEN: Dubai EB-5 Seminar Wednesday, Nov 17, 2010 @ Shangri La

Better late than never: I've been telling a number of our readers in the Middle East that the sign up for the Dubai EB-5 Investor Seminar would be up soon….and it finally is.  We'll have a Farsi version up ASAP.

Sign up here for: Latour's Dubai Investor Visa Seminar Nov. 17

My international marketing partner, Namjoo Hashemi, will be joining me in presenting a comprehensive EB-5 seminar which will address a lot of the questions and concerns most of my, ahem, brethren, fail to mention when they are speaking of the wonders of EB-5 investor visas.  There are a LOT of really, REALLY bad EB-5 programs…and but a handful of good ones.  Attend and I'll tell you exactly why.

The event – free to pre-qualified investors – is going to be a provocative 2+ hour barrage of nitty gritty truth about which EB5s make sense, including the USCIS-pending Lake Point EcoVentures Regional Center, the first EB5RC lovingly crafted from the ground up by yours truly, and a variety of individual EB-5 properties and operations we've pre-vetted for EB-5 compliance purposes.  After the seminar, we'll open the floor up to a comprehensive Q and A where we can hopefully clarify a lot of the mumbo jumbo being marketed to prospective EB-5 investors.  I'll be sticking around for several days at the Shangri La for one-on-ones for those folks ready to move forward.

I know many of you will be in holiday that week, and that's why Namjoo picked the dates; it's a great excuse to write off that Dubai weekend you were thinking about planning anyway!  So far we have folks coming from Iran, Kazakhstan, and Kuwait.  We've got 70 seats and they are going fast, so register before I change my mind and decide to charge you guys for all this high quality intel…(-;

Cheers! Jose