

Folks, I feel like I should be handing out cigars and shaking hands: the first EB-5 Regional Center designed, conceived, tweaked, massaged, and 100% legally structured by Yours Truly was approved by the USCIS last week.  As most of you know, I've had a lot of input with various EB-5 projects these last few years…but this is my first one from conception to delivery.

It was not unlike, I suspect, birthing a brontosaurus.

When I got the receipt notice last summer telling me that in 120 days I'd hear from USCIS, I was innocent enough to believe it.  But then, when the new $6000 EB-5 RC filing fee was about to kick in, every unemployed immigration attorney on earth decided to file a Regional Center, or so it seemed.  The good folks at Laguna Niguel went from 60 to zero practically overnight, and the USG was as slow as ever to give USCIS the additional resources they urgently needed.  So 4 months became six months became an excruciating 9 months…but it was WORTH IT!

I will be shamelessly plugging Lake Point EcoVentures Regional Center in the coming weeks and months but I had to share the good news with my loyal readers.  Polygraph me and the results will show that I believe Lake Point to be the single smartest, most pragmatic, controlled-risk, best-conceived loan-based EB-5 project I've ever seen.  It's simple, it's crystal clear, and the General Partners are folks with impeccable reputations and an untarnished history of entrepreneurial success.  Check out my new baby!

Lake Point EcoVentures Regional Center

PLEASE NOTE: This is not an offering for a security.  It is simply a very happy lawyer bragging about his accomplishment.