
A New Year, a New Blog

It’s been quite a few years since I stopped my “Immigration Insider” blog, and, frankly, it’s been good to NOT share my legal point of few during this period.  For starters, I’ve gone from “U.S. consular officer” to “private business immigration attorney” to whatever it is I am today rather imperceptibly.  Today, my lawyering is limited to two things: protecting the interests of a handful of HNW international clients and running American Venture Solutions EB-5 Regional Center, which I co-own with my infinitely-smarter-than-me, Forbes-pedigree partners.

But this new version of my legal practice is hardly an excuse to begin a blog.  Indeed, the number of excellent bloggers discussing both private client concerns and EB-5 matters mean there is little for me to add content-wise to the online body of good information already in existence.  That being said, I do recall that it was my ranting – as opposed to my particularly brilliant insight – which led me to amass an impressive 30,000+ daily readers in the late 90s (banged out on my Fred Flintstone Edition Thinkpad).

Well, there is PLENTY about which to rant in both subject matters:  international private clients are being treated like drug dealers as a result of overreach by U.S. laws intended to counter terrorism; simultaneously, there is a viper pit of my brethren who have gone from EB-5 sans clue to “experts” in a blinding year or two, enriching themselves via false promises of easy money and lines of Chinese investors with cash in hand made to U.S. developers who merrily plunk down several hundred thousand dollar for yet ANOTHER EB-5 Regional Center which will fail to yield a SINGLE investor dollar when all is said and done.

There.  I can still rant.  And so it begins…

JEL (in Bologna on Valentines Day)