
What It Means to Be a “Conditional Resident” of the United States

One of the biggest steps in the process of becoming a United States citizen through the EB-5 visa program is what happens after your interview at the United States consulate. This is when, if your application is approved after your interview, you’ll be able to move to the United States as Conditional Residents. This is an exciting step in the journey because it means you can now begin living in the United States legally. But what does it mean to be a conditional resident? What are the restrictions of this conditional status? And what happens afterward? We have all the answers for our EB-5 investors.

What You Can Do As a Conditional Resident of the United States

You can live anywhere in the United States.

Once EB-5 investors have been granted conditional residency, they can live wherever they want to within the United States. Some people believe they have to live in the same city or state where your investment is at work, but that’s not true. You’ll be free to choose the location that works best for your family and your budget.

You can register your children for school.

Because you are allowed to bring any children under the age of 21 years with you as an EB-5 investor, many investors bring their young children with them so they can take advantage of the educational opportunities in the United States. You can register your children in school as soon as you’ve moved into your new home. There is no need to wait for permanent citizenship before your children can begin their education in the United States!

You can get a job with a company in the United States.

You do not have to work for your investment company. You’ll be free to apply to work at any company within the United States. You don’t have to work, however, if you have the means to support yourself and your family without government assistance.

You can travel in and out of the United States.

You’ll be able to travel in and out of the country as a conditional resident. This will allow you to visit any family or friends in your home country whenever you like. However, conditional residents should be cautious about extended trips (see the next section for more information).

Are There Any Restrictions to Conditional Residency?

In general, there aren’t a lot of restrictions to conditional residency versus permanent residency. However, many EB-5 lawyers will caution you from taking any extended trips out of the country. Anything under six months is probably fine, but just be aware that longer trips could indicate to officials that you don’t actually intend on making the United States your primary residence. Also be aware that certain medical conditions could prevent you from reentering the country upon your return.

What Happens Next?

Once you’ve been a conditional resident for nearly two years, an EB-5 lawyer will need to file paperwork that removes the conditions of your residency. Once those conditions are removed, you and your family will now be permanent residents of the United States. You’ll get your green cards in the mail that confirm your residency and allow you to take part in all of the rights and privileges of a United States Citizen.

Ready to get started on your journey to becoming a citizen of the United States? The EB-5 visa program may be the right answer for you and your family. Get in touch with American Venture Solutions about our investment opportunities that can help you attain your citizenship and move to the United States with your family. Give us a call or contact us through our website to get started.