
So many immigrants, so little peace

I am looking at the taillights of 2008 and staring at the oncoming headlights of 2009 and as I read the dozens of daily articles on the Web, I am sad to see that we are more or less in the same place we were a year ago.  The world's migratory patterns are as old as man, and yet no intelligent solutions have been devised by a species which can send a man to the moon and figure out how to get toothpaste into a tube.  Every day, the Miami Herald produces example after another of the unjust application of federal laws, separation of families, and other sad tales…all so uncharacteristic of what America stands for, at least to me.

As usual, I am ending the year a bit more pensive than most, and undoubtedly a bit sadder than most, when I ask myself what I ask myself every year: when, oh, when, will we remember that we must treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves.  How many are alone today simply because of the heartless application of laws which were written by Congress to allow for humanitarian compassion?

The answer for a hopeless idealist like me, of course, is to either become more callous to the needs of others and continue with my half-hooded merriment or to yet again wallow, wondering what I can do in this coming year to make this world a better place for those so far from home.

And so I will wallow for a few more days until I have the energy to again begin making this world a better place…because that is why I am here.  May you wallow in peace and your 2009 be filled with wisdom and compassion, my friends.

Peace, Jose