
Most Common Types of Visas

When you are not a citizen of a country, it can feel a bit daunting about how to visit and possibly gain residency. When it comes to traveling into the United States, that daunting feeling is increased and possibly turned into dread. With buzz circulating around the immigration policy, people have been on the edge who are not U.S citizens. Many people who have visas fear they will be deported, and if you are from 7 Muslim-centric countries, you are temporality banned from entering the country With turmoil and chaos surrounding the immigration process, we at American Ventures Solutions, wanted to let you know you are not alone. Our EB-5 investment program is safe and one of the quicker ways to gain permanent access to the United States.

While the EB-5 immigration investment program is a great way to get through the U.S. borders, it is important to know about the other visas that the U.S. offers in case a loved one or someone you know needs one.

Different Types of Visas


This is one of the more popular visas issued by the United States. This visa represents a population of people who are looking to conduct business within the U.S. Typically, people looking for these types of visas are looking to fulfill certain duties and business assignments.

People with these visas are looking to:

  • Connect with other associates within their business
  • Travel to a conference or convention for educational, scientific, or overall business purposes  
  • Establish an estate
  • Participate in negotiations
  • Be included in important training sessions

About the EB-5

These are some of the most common reasons someone may need this type of visa to enter the United States. In order to obtain this visa, your purpose for entering the U.S. has to be business, education, or have a professional relation. You have to plan out the amount of time you will be in the U.S. before you apply for the visa. You also need to make sure your expenses are covered before entering the U.S.

When you know you need a B1 visa, check where your country falls on the spectrum. Sometimes, certain countries don’t need the visa at all! Depending on where you are coming from, you may need to fill out and follow the B1 application process. You can always find out more about your situation by going to


This visa is usually only issued to young individuals who may or may not be attending college. The J1 visa was established in the early 1960’s to improve the United Sates diversity as well as to implement thorough job training and educational activities. This type of visa gives people, within the young generation, to continue education or get hands-on job training for a short amount of time. In order to qualify for this visa, you have to be able to be proficient in the english language as well as be sponsored through a reputable organization such as a university or government program.  Some of the most popular programs that J1 visa issued for are:

  • Short-term scholar program – Professors and research scholars conduct and teach research at a U.S. college.
  • Au Pair – Individuals 18-26 can live with a U.S. family for up to two years providing childcare within the home they reside.
  • Internship – International internships to learn about their field of study as well as US culture and receive hands-on experience.
  • Work and Travel – Individuals enrolled in post-secondary school can come to the U.S. for one semester to work and travel throughout the United States.
  • Camp Counselor – Become a camp counselor in the U.S. for the summer
  • Exchange Student – High school and or college students can live with a host family as they attend school in the U.S.

Being in contact with your via sponsor is key as they will guide you in the right direction and which program your particular situation should fall under. Be prepared to fill out the DS-2019 form. This form will have information such as the cost of stay, what program you’re involved in, and the time frame of your stay. After this, you will pay a fee and fill out some more important documents. The last step is to interview at the U.S. embassy of consultants. It is up to their digression who enters the states on the J1 visa.


This visa is designed for college graduates who are proficient in fields where the U.S. needs to fill positions. This visa allows for individuals to live and work in the United States for at least three years at a time. Many times, these fields consist of computer programming or the medical field. The person must have a degree that is equivalent to a bachelor’s or higher.  Most fields that are seeking out foreign employees include:

  • Law
  • Theology
  • Education
  • Medical
  • Accounting
  • Art
  • Science
  • Engineering
  • And more

The time frame is negotiable and is usually no more than six years. If the graduate has a family, they can potentially come into the United States under an H-4 nonimmigrant visa.


The H2 visa is a program that lets U.S. businesses call to foreign people in time of need that will meet specific requirements to work within the United States at nonagricultural jobs. The company in search for employees is responsible for filling out the Petition for nonimmigrant workers document as well as other important forms. In order for the company to be able to obtain foreign workers, they must demonstrate the following:

  • There are not enough workers in the U.S.
  • The change will not affect the pay scale negatively.
  • The need for other workers is temporary.
    • One time – The employer must demonstrate the need is temporary and that this will not be a future occurrence.
    • Seasonal – Work has to be tied to a season or be a regular occurrence around the same time of year.
    • Peak load – Has permanent employees but has work overload and needs temporary relief.
    • Intermittent – Does not have permanent employees but demonstrates a need for labor workers in short bursts of time.

Currently, there is a cap on how many non-U.S. citizens can come into the United States to work. The cap is currently around 65,000, leaving around 30,000 in the first half of the fiscal year and the rest in the second.


This type of visa is more geared towards people who want to obtain United States citizenship as an end goal. The program is slightly different for each country, but overall this was designed for economic growth and investment opportunities. Foreign investors will pick a company in which to invest at least $500,000, and that investment should hopefully create 10 more employment positions within that company within two years. If the investment is successful, you will gain permanent residency and then in five years, be able to file for citizenship. Not only will you be eligible for U.S. citizenship, but so will your spouse, and children as long as they are under 21.

Choosing the right type of visa program can be overwhelming and confusing. These are just some of the more common visas to the U.S. All in all, there are over 150 types of visas in which you may qualify. If you believe the EB-5 visa is for you, please contact American Venture Solutions. We have a trained highly professional team waiting to speak with you about your options!