
Houston EB-5 Workshop Recap

WOW, what a seminar!  Brian Su's Houston event was, without a doubt, the singular most productive day I've had since immersing myself in EB-5dom, and that is not hyperbole.  The presentations were superb and we all learned a great deal.  (I, for one, finally understand a lot more of Dr. Scott Barnhart's econometric musings!)

But the heart and soul of the event revolved around Brian's ability to pull together a very diverse group of folks from within the EB-5 sector, including various experts, agents, and Regional Center representatives.  The networking was invaluable for all of us.  And as I predicted, John Jiang, Managing Director of Henry Global Consulting Group, Ltd., one of China's biggest EB-5 agencies (and, I hastily add, one of very few who actually do the homework for their clients), was the highlight speaker for me.  John is a no-nonsense, call-them-as-I-see-them kind of guy and one of the key reasons for Henry Global's continued market dominance.  His presentation debunked many misperceptions I had about how the China market works and reiterated what I'd long suspected:  success in China EB-5 marketing isn't about a willing abundance of affluent Chinese lined up with bank drafts in hand…it's about strategic (and costly!) marketing, laser-beam public relations, and a tireless workforce excelling at communicating the reality of the EB-5 opportunity in parameters understandable from the distinctly Chinese world view.

There was, however, one terrific bummer ending:  based on the Friday traffic and distance from the Doubletree to Bush International Airport, I had to exit the event before Brian and several other speakers were finished.  Alas, that was in vain: heavy thunderstorms led to the cancellation of my flight and I couldn't leave Houston till this morning!  Go figure!

Brian, serious props, kudos, and thanks from all of us invited to participate in your event.  It was priceless for me professionally, and it was great to spend time with you, Joanne, Thom, Scott and the rest of the great folks we met.  Where are we going next time?