
First AVS EB-5 Investor Approved as PERMANENT Resident!


It’s 3:22 AM in Vietnam so I can’t call to celebrate with our team there, but the first AVS Lake Point investor just got his I-829 Petition approved, making him and his family AVS EB-5’s PERMANENT U.S. RESIDENTS!

Because American Venture Solutions is a small EB-5 Regional Center and virtually all of our investors know each other, I don’t want to spoil anything by telling you more.  Soon the relaying of the good news will begin on our group social media and everyone will know who it is.  For now, I will only tell you TWO things…

1- It could NOT happen to a nicer a guy and….

2- He’s from a country which begins with the letter “V” and ends with the letter “N”…..(-;

WOOOOOO-HOOOOOO, thời gian để ăn mừng!!!