
F-1 Seminar Series Off to a Great Start at USC

The crowd was small, the questions were rapid-fire, and the first "Taking Charge of Your Green Card: New Millennium Options for F-1 Students" seminar went off with barely a hitch.  ("Barely" because the projector I was REQUIRED to rent – I travel with my own – was forgotten>)

The attendees covered a broad spectrum of nationalities and ranged from freshmen to post-grads.  Although the feedback they gave me was very positive — they especially loved the portion of the presentation which covers self-marketing suggestions to neutralize "visaphobia" in prospective employers — I think the Powerpoint is a bit too long.  Going to trim it down for this afternoon's presentation at UC Irvine.  In any event, the one hour presentation was followed by nearly two hours of Q & A, so apparently they found it worthwhile.

LA is absolutely spectacular, with 70 degree days and lots of sunshine…to be further enjoyed via the free upgrade I got on the rental…a convertible Sebring…
