
EB-5 Extension Update from Sam at ILW.COM

Comment – First Hurdle Clear For EB-5 – Late Thursday night, the Senate unanimously passed an amended S. 3245, sponsored by Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Charles Grassley (R-IA), which reauthorizes four immigration-related policies for three years. This includes a renewal of the EB-5 investor visa category and the E-Verify program, a workplace verification system used to determine whether a job applicant is legally present in the country. The bill extends certain medical professional and religious worker visa categories as well. The House is already on recess, but will take this up via suspension of the rules, meaning there will be no floor debate, in early September. The bill should pass the House. The makeup of the chamber suggests that, even if Democrats try to block it, there will be sufficient Republican votes for passage, though such an attempt by Democrats seems unlikely. One puzzling component of the amended bill is why the extension of these programs was for three years, rather than the more customary one or five years or the permanent extension that was originally proposed.”