
Brian Su’s Orlando EB-5 Event is FRIDAY!

Guys, quick reminder: if you haven’t booked your seats for Orlando Friday, get busy.  Friday’s event is going to be the first the “Big Boys” (and “Big Girls”, of course!) EB-5 seminar ever, and it will hold a wealth of information for those of you who are beyond the “beginner phase” of EB-5 financing and logistics.

While there is the usual impressive panel of speakers, the participation of Miami’s Ronnie Fieldstone of Arnstein & Lehr LLP is what will make this particular event invaluable for those of us who are NOT securities experts and who must wrestle with tangential securities issues as we service our EB-5 clients.  Ronnie is no run-of-the-mill securities guy: he’s been THE securities attorney for dozens of EB-5 Regional Centers and his experience in our sector is unparalleled.  Moreover, like me, Ronnie is a “business guy” who has been involved with entrepreneurial ventures his entire life.  This experience — as opposed to academic experience — makes all the difference in the world when you are putting together a formidable EB-5 project or Regional Center.  (In fact, I asked Ronnie to give me some feedback on EB-5 security issues, and he did one better: he’s provided me with an article he’s written which I know my readers will find invaluable. Here it is for your education:  Download Ronnie Fieldstone article for II

ONLY SIX TICKETS are left so get busy: Brian Su’s Orlando Event Registr