
2010 Florida Trend’s Legal Elite- Honored and Humbled!

Folks, just wanted to share something which is personal (as I will explain) and very meaningful to me.  As many of you know, I have been practicing a long time.  Six years ago, I sold my practice to my partner and stepped out of immigration for a few years.  When I returned to it last year, the AILA meetings were full of faces I didn't recognize, the PERM process had replaced labor cert, and, frankly, I felt a bit like an old dog concerned about new tricks.

I jumped back into investment based immigration wholeheartedly last year and it's been a wild and woolly year and a half so far.  A few years back when I was still in the prior practice, I'd been named to the Legal Elite, so I was only a little surprised to hear that I'd been nominated again.  What has been tremendously cool and humbling, however, was that I was one of the three Florida lawyers who practice immigration law who made it for 2010!

After my "sabbatical", it is very heartwarming to know that my friends and colleagues still think I'm a decent attorney.  You see, the whole process is very meaningful to me because it is Peer Driven; it is the result of anonymous ballots submitted by Florida Law members.  Last October, Florida
Trend Magazine asked all in-state members of the Florida Bar to participate. 
Lawyers were asked to name attorneys whom they hold in the
highest regard or would recommend to others; 1.8% of the total Bar membership was named to the list. Given that there are some pretty darn good immigration attorneys in Florida, I am very honored to have been chosen as one of three in that area of practice. Check it out!:

2010 Legal Elite

I send my warm congratulations to my old friends Susan Hahn and Gene Hernandez, who are without a doubt very MUCH in the Legal Elite!