
Lake Point EB-5 Sees 1st Six Month I-526 Approval!

Congratulations to our newest Lake Point Capital Partners EB-5 investor from Vietnam, whose I-526 was approved by USCIS in a blazing six months (no RFE, of course.)  USCIS EB-5 team: you rock and we are very grateful for your efforts, aware as we are of the extraordinary workload pressures you continue to face.

Late last summer, when our first I-526 petition was finally approved after languishing at USCIS for over 18 months, “jubilation” hardly begins to express what we felt here at Team Lake Point.  I can only imagine what those first approvals felt like for our pioneer Limited Partners, who patiently watched 8 months turn to 12 turn to 18…talk about blind faith!  These days, it seems a new Lake Point EB-5 approval arrives almost weekly, but it never gets old nor is the joy diminished.  As we approach the end of the offering, Lake Point’s comparatively small $20 million/ 40 EB-5 investor project has proven itself as “the little engine that could”.   No ad budgets, no direct marketing, no solicitation…just many thousands of miles of travel and many hours earning the trust of professional advisors worldwide whose clients were carefully considering a future in America.  (I know this may not be the most efficient way to find EB-5 investors, but being SEC-compliant makes for a better night’s sleep!)

As we wind things up with the last EB-5 investors in Lake Point Capital Partners, the diverse nationalities of our EB-5 Limited Partners are reflective of the international appeal of our first EB-5 venture.  Lake Point’s approved investors so far hail predominantly from Vietnam (where we maybe — we’re not certain — the top-selling EB-5 offering with the most approved I-526s),  but the rest hail from diverse parts ranging from Eastern Europe to Latin America to the Middle East.   Perhaps more interesting than the diverse nationalities is the fact that our investors are coming to us entirely via face-to-face meetings, long dialogues, and extensive due diligence on their part.  We’ve all heard the stories: dozens of EB-5 investors, checks in hand, systematically herded into a room to sign up for an EB-5 offering cherry-picked by a migration agent NOT for its viability but, rather, for its commission schedule.  I am happy to say that Lake Point’s EB-5 Limited Partners are cut from a very different mold, and they come to us with a healthy skepticism born through decades of hard work and tenacity in their respective fields…folks who don’t need someone else to tell them where to invest.  Perhaps the stories behind the success of Lake Point’s General Partners and our distinction of being the only Forbes 400 owned and operated EB-5 Regional Center best explains why, so far, ALL of our investors have extraordinary stories of hard work behind their success…no trust-fund babies so far at Lake Point…although we’d certainly welcome properly qualified ones! (-:)

In any event, today’s I-526 approval sets a new threshold for speedy I-526 adjudication and is a welcome send-off as I depart for a much needed vacation.  But I’ll be back in the saddle in about a week, and in March Jud and I head back to beautiful Saigon for what will hopefully be our final round of meetings for Lake Point Capital Partners EB-5.  In the meantime, if you have a qualified client still mulling over their EB-5 options, give Bianca Saltz a call at 786-866-9775 to learn more about Lake Point EB-5.

The Year of the Horse is off with a gallup!  Tally Ho!