
Dubai: Day One

Jud’s secret jet-lag recipe (a/k/a Tylenol PM) worked wonders and I was raring to go this morning when Namjoo came to get me at the hotel.  (Namjoo, for those of you who may not recognize the name, is my West Coast representative, a Certified Canadian Immigration Consultant and — most relevent to this particular trip — our Farsi voice.)  After double checking that we were ready for the big day tomorrow, I got a whirlwind tour of Dubai. Report card so far:

Food- 5 Stars

Service- 5 Stars

Shopping- a Terrifying 10 Stars

Conducive to Weight Loss Program- 0 Stars

The food, seriously, makes the latter essentially impossible.  In one sitting I had the best baba ghanoush, best (and only FRESH) pomegranate juice, and best hookah flavor (mint) of my life. Now…back to stuffing presentation packages for tomorrow!

As soon as I figure out if/how to post an album on my blog software, I’ll do so but in the meantime, here’s one short Cuban in front of on tall – and I do mean TALLLLLLL – building.  Check out the Burj Khalifa Web Site
