
Cheryl Little Gets Well-Deserved Award

Every since I started private practice in 1990, Cheryl Little has represented everything that is right with the immigration bar.  In 1996, she founded the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center and for the past 12 years her tireless work on behalf of refugees, immigrant children, and others who could not afford private representation has made her a star in our very diverse community.

Last week, Ms. Little recieved the prestigious 2008 Morris Dees Justice Award, which is given annually to an attorney "who has devoted his or her career to the the public service and pursuing justice."  In receiving the honor, she displayed the same humility which has always made her such a successful leader.  Quoted in the Miami Herald, she said:

"…it's the FIAC staff that generally does the heavy lifting.  I think [the award] is recognition of all the work that the staff at our agency does every day."

Congratulations to Cheryl Little and the folks at FIAC for making Lady Liberty proud on a daily basis.