If you have not heard by now, last week the government – guided by the multimillion dollar lobbying efforts of the biggest EB-5 Regional Centers driving big-city projects in wealthy areas – presented a proposed new set of rules which completely undermine years of planned reforms, perpetuate TEA abuse, likely extend investor backlogs, and are structured entirely to benefit Big EB-5 and the rich neighborhoods in which they operate.
The sharpest minds in EB-5 seem to agree that there’s a better-than-50% chance that the proposed rule will become law; despite my eternal optimism, the way this has shamelessly unfolded has been a stark reminder about just how much influence money has in Washington politics, fairness be damned. Whatever happens, my SEC friends tell me that just as the investigation into the Kushner Companies’ financial relationship with Chinese migration brokers is being explored, so will be the case for ALL of Big EB-5. That’s one party I don’t want to miss. (-: (Unlike the rest of the EB-5 industry, AVS remains committed to global compliance with U.S. laws and will never violate SEC laws overseas by paying kickbacks to “finders”.)
Once our last AVS Regional Center EB-5 slots are gone, American Venture Solutions does not anticipate undertaking future Regional Center project filings. If the proposed new rules become law, Big EB-5 will have hijacked the program and Regional Centers committed to high unemployment and rural job creation – what Congress intended when they created EB-5 back in 1990 – will have no competitive advantage. Until now, Big EB-5 has cheated by falsifying TEA status; now, by bankrolling the Washington regulatory process, they have diluted what SHOULD have been a $500,000 price difference between legitimate TEA projects and urban skyscrapers.
AVS remains committed to EB-5 as it was intended, as a Win-Win solution for both EB-5 investors AND American areas in desperate need of job creation. American Venture Solution will continue to find our investors one at a time, this time for Direct, Pooled EB-5 projects investments located in TRUE TEA areas, at the lower investment amount (whatever that is after the final law is changed) and, most importantly, AVS will continue to offer EB-5 investment opportunities in projects where USCIS-compliant bridge capitalization has established the required 10 jobs per investor BEFORE the investor even invests .
What to do if you still want to get into EB-5 for $500,000? Selecting a solid EB-5 Regional Center AVSEB5 project backed by powerful, reputable and well-funded U.S. job-creating partners at the $500,000 benchmark remains your best option. We have a handful of such slots left, so please contact our Ho Chi Minh office directly via our EB-5 Hotline, 0938.61.30.62 for immediate information.
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