
Listen up USG Contractors: Time to Comply

The pressure to comply with employment verification requirements may soon hit companies which contract with the U.S. governement.  This is from SHRM:

"The House has already included language in four appropriations bills that would require all federal contractors to participate in the government’s voluntary electronic employment verification system known as "Basic Pilot." SHRM has advocated the removal of these provisions because the Society believes the "Basic Pilot" system is unreliable and unable to verify accurately the legal status of employees at nearly 200,000 federal contractors – more than ten times the number of employers that currently use the "Basic Pilot" system. As the result of SHRM’s efforts, the language requiring federal contractors to use the Basic Pilot system has been removed from two of the four appropriations bills sent to the President for his consideration and we are diligently working on the removal of the other two provisions from the remaining bills."

Translation for HR folks with big USG contractors: time to hunker down and get those I-9s under control.  This is the hot topic du jour as far as my inbox for the last few weeks and let me tell you:  it’s got the attention of some pretty big players.

Email me at for information on how we can help you protect your government business from this latest enforcement effort.  Jose