
2013 Lake Point EB-5 Redux, Better Late than Never!

Folks, I know I’ve been as quiet as a church mouse — online anyway — but this fall has been one big Rock ‘Em/ Sock ‘Em season of high fives all around:

  • Lake Point EB-5 approvals have continued to steamroll in since our #1 approval came in September, with a total of 7 Lake Point EB-5 I-526s approved for investors from China, Vietnam, and Russia so far…and no denials.
  • USCIS approved the Lake Point Capital Partners I-924 Amendment, assuring our second and final tranche investors of the USG’s approval and acceptance of our industry-leading protocols designed to both secure PERMANENT residency for our EB-5 partners AND maximize their ROI through judicious stewardship of their investment dollars.
  • Lake Point’s Managing Director, Jud Laird, and I just returned from closing* Lake Point Capital Partners investment tranche in Vietnam, where Lake Point EB-5 has been enthusiastically received for its Forbes-driven leadership and conservative business strategy

*A gentle but important reminder to our newest subscribers:  first to fund means first to vest.  While we are fully subscribed in that we have our 40 investors signed up,  slots remain open until funds are deposited in the JP Morgan Client Funds Account, where they remain in trust for our investors until their I-526 is approved.  Please remember that we have many other folks in queue who have indicated that they will be funding shortly, so we encourage you to expedite your funding to insure your Lake Point EB-5 slot.

We wish to express our thanks to our last group of investors for their faith and support of Lake Point EB-5.  We’ll be updating you again soon but in the meantime a big shout out to our approved investors. who so patiently waited for their approvals and who are proving to be the most formidable partners ever in their support of Lake Point EB-5!  (Below is a picture of Jud -far left – and me with our first approved investors, who stopped by for a visit in our Saigon office.)

Best, Jose